mainloop: put ask klid about train berserk pause put ask klid about train berserk match again all done with that task match tub1 filled with ice match critter challengin for your skill match chamber Dark Chamber match sauna saunas match ranked promoted match gottask Each time you trade in a task matchwait ranked: put go door move n move e put go door put ask bert about next berserk put go door move w move s put go door goto mainloop gottask: put gld match sauna saunas match tub1 ice tubs match critter practice Berserk against creatures match chamber Dark Chamber matchwait darkroom: pause 3 put berserk match darkroom Dark thoughts of battle match darkroom You can taste the bloodlust in the back match darkroom You feel yourself at the edge of match darkroom breathe harder match darkroom snapping you out match darkroom letting you move freely match darkroom slowly fades match chamberdone though you obviously matchwait chamberdone: put stand pause 5 move e move go stair move w move s move go door goto mainloop again: goto mainloop tub1: put go door move n move e put go step move w put go tub goto tub2 tub2: put splash match splashfail raises your body temperature match splashgood even seem to have quit matchwait splashfail: goto tub2 splashgood: put berserk match tired1 beginning to feel a little fatigued match tubagain Dark thoughts of battle quickly fill your match tubagain You feel yourself at the edge of match tubagain You can taste the bloodlust in the back match tubagain The blood... the stench... the screaming... but it's not enough. match tubagain remaining.] match tubdone completed this task.] matchwait tired1: waitfor energetic goto splashgood tubagain: goto splashgood tubdone: put stand pause 5 move out move e put go step move w move s put go door goto mainloop critter: pause 1 Echo ********************************** Echo TIME TO GO BERSERK ON MONSTERS.... Echo ********************************** exit chamber: put go door move n move e put go stair move w put kneel goto darkroom sauna: move e move e put go sauna goto sauna1 sauna1: put meditate match saunafail deal with the trifles match saunagood quite easily now matchwait saunafail: pause 1 goto sauna1 saunagood: put berserk match saunaagain Dark thoughts of battle quickly fill match saunaagain You can taste the bloodlust in the back match saunaagain You feel yourself at the edge of match tired2 beginning to feel a little fatigued match new The blood... the stench... the screaming... but it's not enough. match new1 You growl with sudden anger but feel somewhat uninspired. match new2 You raise your fists high in the air and scream but nothing else happens. match saunaagain remaining.] match saunadone completed this task.] matchwait saunaagain: goto saunagood saunadone: put stand pause 5 move out move w move w goto mainloop tired2: waitfor energetic goto saunagood new: goto saunagood new1: goto saunagood new2: goto saunagood