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personal - GemStone IV diary
- 84 - Today is Day of the Huntress, day 28 of the month Phoenatos in the year 5109.
I've only just begun to realise how much junk I have accumulated over three years and 100 trains. Most of these things
I will never use. So I have decided to see all redundant items. I want a clean locker with a leaner meaner Bremerial
hunting the lands. Cutting the excess fat is the object of the day! I'm not particularly concerned about money I obtain for
any of the items I am about to sell. I have found that despite the accumulation of monetary wealth, there is nothing upon which
I wish to spend it. It's a good position to be in... to be happy with my lot..and the development of skills rather than the accumulation
of object. Oh, in the name of the Huntress. Is Bremerial shying away from her
capitalist ideals? Next she'll be sharing all her
wealth and running naked through a field of pothinar grass! Heaven forbid!
- 85 - Today is Tilamaires, day 1 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5109.
Well three days ago I made a momentous decision. I relinquished my citizenship of Wehnimers and became a citizen
of Teras Isle. I'm sure my father would have approved...being in the boosum of fellow dwarves.
{go door}
[Meeting Hall, Clerk's Office]
A heavy stone desk dominates the room. A lantern hanging above it does little to illuminate the desk surface;
at best the lantern holds back the darkness from completing its conquest of the room.
You also see a citizenship clerk that is sitting, an iron door and a heavy stone desk with a citizenship book on it.
Obvious exits: none
The clerk says, "Greetings, Bremerial. How is life treating you today?"
The clerk says, "Hrrrm, Bremerial, you do seem to be eligible for full citizenship.
Just WRITE your name in the book if you wish to make it official."
{go door}
You sign your name into the citizenship registration book, fully agreeing to the duties and privileges
full citizenship provides you.
- 86 - Today is Restday, day 13 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5109.
I saw the renowned Lord Drizzsdt Ravenrunn hunting for the first time in my life. One of these days I will get to introduce myself to him
[Ruined Temple, Third Floor]
Fire has ravaged this entire section of the temple, the stonework charred heavily along the floor and walls.
All the wooden furniture has been reduced to ash that has long since been blown out to sea.
You also see a thick canvas sling, a lackluster blue steel harpoon and the Drizzsdt disk.
Also here: Renowned Lord Drizzsdt
Obvious paths: north, west
Drizzsdt removes a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword from in his black duster.
Drizzsdt removes a vultite wall shield from in his black duster.
Drizzsdt blurs into a white fog and vanishes!
- 87 - Today is Restday, day 20 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5109.
I have used the combat manoeuvre coupdegrace on a number of occasions against critters. However it was wonderful
to see how effective it could be against bandits.
cman coupdegrace high
[Roll result: 187 (open d100: 69) Bonus: 23]
You lunge towards the human highwayman, intending to finish him off!
You slam your rune-etched claidhmore into the back of his head with all your might!
Brain matter now decorates the walls!
[You have 13 kills remaining.]
The human highwayman rolls over and dies.
- 88 - Today is Volnes, day 21 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5109.
Well, all this time on Teras and it's the first time I've seen five warriors by the statue at the same time. I'm waiting for the invasion
to start!
Also here: Liannonuel, Willington who is sitting, High Lord Drung, Annachie, Xrothgar, Valglin who is sitting
- 89 - Today is Tilamaires, day 22 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5109.
Was hunting bandits when a human highwayman tried to feint me today. Oh foolish human!
[Roll result: -1726 (open d100: 26)]
A human highwayman attempts to feint high, but fails miserably, leaving himself vulnerable and off-balance!
- 90 - Today is Tilamaires, day 29 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5109.
Caleanon and Krystanne have announced that they are getting married. Now I have to put on my thinking cap to get a suitable present. What to get... what to get...
- 91 - Today is Leyan, day 30 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5109.
An elven rogue shouts, "Die, ya brown-noser!"
- 92 - Today is Feastday, day 10 of the month Jastatos in the year 5109.
Quest for Ebon Fest Auction Ticket
Well it's that time of year when I queue for a ticket for Ebon Fest. I
decided to do something that I had never done before and that was to guy
tickets for at least one of my relatives. The announcements were made on the
town boards of times and numbers available and I decided to throw caution to
the wind and to got for one of the top priced tickets, entitling two of my
family members attendance at the Ebon fest Auction.
Early purchases could be made by high tax payers. However I felt that - with a bit of luck - I might be able to obtain some of
the tickets not snapped up by the high tax payers, in one of the three schedules selling sessions.
The first session I waited dutifully in line, only to find that I had misjudged the time and missed the sale by one hour. Not to worry
though. There was a later sale! Again I waited in line, only to find that all the tickets were taken up - presumably
by the high tax payers - within the first couple of minutes of sale.
At that point I decided to simply buy two normal tickets later that
I have to say that I am really looking forward to the Ebon Fest this year. I intend to take an extremely relaxed
approach to it, this year, as I did last year. I want it to be a positive experience.
- 93 - Today is Restday, day 11 of the month Jastatos in the year 5109.
There is something somewhat undignified about being clobbered with your own weapon!
[Roll result: 161 (open d100: 172)]
A spectral triton defender swings a lackluster blue steel harpoon at your rune-etched claidhmore and connects!
Your rune-etched claidhmore is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 15 sec.
A spectral triton defender drops her blue steel harpoon and snatches up a battle-marred rune-etched claidhmore!
A spectral triton defender swings a battle-marred rune-etched claidhmore at you!
AS: +430 vs DS: +257 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +63 = +265
... and hits for 30 points of damage!
Your stomach is ripped open by a mighty blow!
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
A battle-marred rune-etched claidhmore tears itself away from the defender and flies back to your waiting hand!
- 94 - Today is Day of the Huntress, day 16 of the month Jastatos in the year 5109
Yeehaw. I received a
wedding invitation today, which I have gladly accepted.
You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Krystanne and Caleanon on 12/05/09 at 8:30 (Central).
There will be a reception afterwards to celebrate this union, please bring this invitation with you for admittance.
- 95 - Today is Day of the Huntress, day 16 of the month Jastatos in the year 5109
Complacency is a warriors mortal enemy! I was hunting some bandits and came across a wasps nest.
This was the result:
You swing a battle-marred rune-etched claidhmore at a wasp nest!
AS: +506 vs DS: +168 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +65 = +432
... and hit for 136 points of damage!
The wasp nest collapses into a pile of rubble.
Suddenly a swarm of wasps erupts from the wasp nest, filling the air with the dreadful droning of their wings!
The enraged wasps block out the sky as they swoop down to defend their nest!
The great swarm descends upon you! Their glistening stingers hammer into you over and
over, and you feel your life slipping away as you collapse.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 16 mins...
It was most certainly a case of death by 1000 stings!
You have minor bruises about the head, minor bruises on your neck, some minor cuts and bruises on your
right arm, some minor cuts and bruises on your left arm, some minor cuts and bruises on your right leg, some minor
cuts and bruises on your left leg, some minor cuts and bruises on your right hand, some minor cuts and bruises on your
left hand, minor cuts and bruises on your chest, minor cuts and bruises on your abdominal area, minor cuts and
bruises on your back, a bruised right eye, and a bruised left eye.
You could say that this is a cautionary story with a sting in the 'tale'.
- 96 - Today is Leyan, day 28 of the month Jastatos in the year 5109. It is 09:21 by the elven time standard
I don't normally include the time in my diary entries but i woke up this morning to find that there were only seven other adventurers breathing to cool Gemstone air. Pretty surreal! So to those other seven.... I salute you!
- Arkhaine
- Jesperus
- Brokenwing
- Sosumee
- Mamu
- Turjin
- Hjalmar
- 97 - Today is Leyan, day 28 of the month Jastatos in the year 5109. It is 09:21 by the elven time standard
I was actually trying to create a top 5 of things that you don't want to hear or see in the lands. Here they are.
- (5) - The night watchman then drags you off.
- (4) - You hear a loud *POP* come from your muscles!
- (3) - The soft feeling of serenity slowly dissipates from your mind.
- (2) - It seems you have died, my friend
- (1) - Your body decays into compost
- 98 - Today is Feastday, day 14 of the month Eoantos in the year 5109
I died and got rescued by Drizzisdt. I've seen him hunt a couple of times but this was the first time I was introduced to this
ancient spell casting powerhitting warrior. It was almost worth dying just for that. I've included the
You see Renowned Lord Drizzsdt Ravenrunn the Destroyer.
He appears to be a Giantman.
He is very tall and appears to be decrepit with age. He has deep-set, foreboding
summer-green eyes and very weathered and tanned skin. He has receding, tied back
steel grey hair worn in a ponytail. He has a square-jawed face and a large, but
neatly-trimmed salt and peppered goatee. His features are sharply defined, as if
chiseled from stone.
You can hardly recognize him covered in all that soot and ash!
He has a tattooed symbol of Voln on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a vultite wall shield in his left hand.
A thick layer of volcanic ash and soot covers a crystal amulet, a wide gold braided wedding band,
a veniom-bound vultite Adventurer's Guild badge, a ruby-studded gold lapel pin, a silver-chased black
opal locket, a ruby-studded invar triple chain with a golden feithidmor claw dangling from it, some lacquered
azure vambraces trimmed with pale dream agate, a deathstone inset platinum armband, an elegant gold eternity
armband, a burnished leather belt, a leather pouch, a jet black voluminous jacket, a coal black jacket, a jet black vest,
a sable black sash embroidered with the Premier Master at Arms emblem, a ruby-studded brushed suede tabard,
a ruffian's loot sack, a voluminous black leather sack, a supple cave troll hide loot sack, a black bearskin cloak,
a long black duster with "Premier Master at Arms" elegantly scripted on the front lapel, a small locksmith's anklepouch,
some dusty ebon double-laced boots made of vruul skin with "Premier Master at Arms" stitched in golden thread
around the cuffs, and a suit of sable black krodera plate armor incised with the symbol of Voln.
- 99 - Today is Restday, day 15 of the month Eoantos in the year 5109
Liannonuel was kind enough to reinforce my armor against punctures.
[Warrior Guild, Garden Shed]
The wooden shed is cramped, stuffy, and cluttered with leatherworking equipment.
The pervasive scent of tanned hide and hot metal assaults your nostrils. The floor is dirt,
packed hard by the tramplings of many workers and spotted with dark oil stains.
You also see a wooden worktable with an assortment of tools on it and Shop Master Elginor.
Also here: Liannonuel
Obvious exits: north
Liannonuel adjusts your black armor with his plate armor fittings, rearranging and reinforcing
the armor to better protect against puncturing damage.
- 100 - Today is Leyan, day 18 of the month Eoantos in the year 5109
Well I have to say that I am impressed with Liannonuel's reinforcement of my armor against punctures. I probably
would have suffered a minor wound or been stunned before. Now the attacks
have less impact more often. I suspect that I won't
be altering my current emphasis on preventing multi-strikes, which are the biggest risk to me in the temple at the moment
I fear. Nor will I be training further in armor to acquire this skill for myself. Armor training is far too expensive now for me.
Besides, I am focussed on my ambush training, which currently is paying
dividends. However, I think it is certainly worth getting my armor reinforced on a regular basis by a skilled warrior.
Some time-worn black armor partially deflects the onslaught of the puncture attack.
A spectral triton defender thrusts with a lackluster blue steel harpoon at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +296 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +25 = +168
... and hits for 7 points of damage!
Tap to the arm pricks some interest but not much else
- 101 - Today is Day of the Huntress, day 27 of the month Eoantos in the year 5109
You know how it is. You have ceased breathing and there is no locate for you. You have a decision to make.. wait in hope,
or throw caution to the wind and just depart...
Being dead is truly boring...but things could be worse. You could be bored AND in pain.
If you wish to depart this plane, so as to immediately continue on your journey, please click DEPART CONFIRM.
depart CONFIRM
The world before you dissolves into a grainy montage of color...
You find yourself wandering amidst endless streaming light and vast nothingness.
This place feels torn between two powers, polar opposites vying for your loyalty. You are surrounded by the spirits of
those who could not choose. The only way out seems to be through light or darkness.
Time has no meaning as you wander aimlessly amidst the uncomfortable tugging for your attention.
Hopelessness washes over dreams you once held like the creeping tide of doom.
After what could be moments, or perhaps an eternity, the goddess Lorminstra finds you wandering in the
endless space and speaks soothingly to you. She gently reassembles the pieces of your tattered soul and then,
taking you by the hand, the goddess leads you back to mortality....
- 102 - Today is Feastday, day 28 of the month Eoantos in the year 5109
I executed a rescue of two folk today. It's rare that I get there before others.
[Depths of V'Tull, Lower Eye]
Spidery, elongated cracks and fractures run deep through the walls and ceilings here.
Light colored mineral deposits speckle the white-streaked alkalic floor. Steamy, water-saturated sediment
oozes from the stressed roof, which looks as if it could collapse at any moment.
Also here: the body of Akoe who is lying down, the body of Maelkyth who is lying down
Obvious exits: north, southeast
Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .
[Temple, Meditation Sanctum]
The silent simplicity of this small room brings contemplative thoughts to mind.
Several small mats cover the polished wood floors and two worn oak benches sit empty along the wall.
A modest rosewood altar stands at one end of the room, topped with two white candles. A gentle breeze
wafts from a hallway of gleaming white marble leading to the east.
Also here: the body of Maelkyth who is lying down, the body of Akoe who is lying down
Obvious exits: west
- 103 - Today is Volnes, day 21 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5109
I am not so arrogant as to think that I can survive every battle. However I was surprised to die so easily today.
I have to determine why my defences were so appauling. One of the interesting things about dying today however
was the realisation that those bandit scum steal from your pockets!
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a halfling marauder engages you in a furious
dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A halfling marauder swings a flail at you!
AS: +462 vs DS: +118 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +53 = +431
... and hits for 38 points of damage!
Smash to the kneecap.
A halfling marauder swings a flail at you!
AS: +462 vs DS: +115 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +91 = +472
... and hits for 42 points of damage!
Smash to the kneecap.
A halfling marauder swings a flail at you!
AS: +462 vs DS: +112 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +13 = +397
... and hits for 34 points of damage!
Large gash to your left arm, several muscles torn.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The light blue glow leaves you.
You feel your extra strength departing.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
You become solid again.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The powerful look leaves you.
You feel the extra courage wane.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of
what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 16 mins...
A halfling marauder laughs in victory!
He roots through your pockets and takes some silver coins. With an evil grin, he pulls out a belt pouch and stashes
away his ill-gotten gain.
- 104 - Today is Volnes, day 21 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5109
When sufficient factors come together then it is possible for me to increase my attack strength to over 600.
Surge of Strength
Spirit Strike
Symbol of Courage
Coup de grace
+10 strength enhancive
You swing a battle-marred rune-etched claidhmore at an elven mugger!
AS: +609 vs DS: +350 with AvD: +47 + d100 roll: +62 = +368
... and hit for 134 points of damage!
Bloody slash to the elven mugger's side!
Instant death, due to lack of intestines.
If I had employed the warcries 'shout' and 'holler' then my AS would have been even higher. It's good to be a warrior in
these times!
- 105 - Today is Niiman, day 24 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5109
Bremerial's alter ego entered a competition
to create a new verb for giantkin. It appears that I was the only entrant and in the words of the competition
organiser Talisker:
"There was only one submission for the verb contest. I'll be contacting the entrant regarding the submission
and prize."
Although I have not yet been contacted, I am excited at the prospect of receiving the prize.
- 106 - Today is Tilamaires, day 22 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5109
I have always been reluctant to display title within the lands. Indeed, it is only relatively recently that I have been prepared
to display my clan details. However
recent town council policies relating to the change in the regarding the display of titles, has made me consider the display
of my title. Titles have now been keenly honed to reflect a person's skill. This is a big decision. My title should reflect me and how it feels to be me.
The titles available to me currently are as follows: Wrestler, Brawler, Pit Fighter, Duelist, Swordsman, Swordswoman,
Sabreur, Blademaster, Thug, Hiresword, Mercenary, Squire, Armiger, Cavalier, Reaver, Mountaineer, Stalker, Waylayer,
Battlerager, Berserker, Marauder, Tactician.
- Wrestler - Too much emphasis on unarmed combat
- Brawler - Lacks finesse
- Pit Fighter - Too brutish, more brawn than brains
- Duelist - Honour but too much finesse for a claid user
- Swordsman - wrong sex
- Swordswoman - 3rd choice. A skilled claid user
- Sabreur - I don't use a sabre
- Blademaster - Too masculine a feel
- Thug - Lack of discipline and degree of criminality
- Hiresword - I do not hire out my services
- Mercenary - A less cultured hiresword
- Squire - I do not attend another
- Armiger - I do not attend another
- Cavalier - Not sufficiently foppish
- Reaver - Have far too much honour to be a reaver
- Mountaineer - A part but not the whole of me
- Stalker - There is something unsavoury about stalking
- Waylayer - This suggests some roguish element
- Battlerager - 2nd choice - It denotes a love of fighting
- Berserker - A skill I employ primarily as a defensive strategy
- Marauder - Depicts a plunderer. This is not I!
- Tactician - 1st choice. Suggests the engaging of some thought process
So I will now be seen by all as
You see Bremerial the Tactician.
- 107- Today is Feastday, day 26 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5109
Figured out why I am getting clobbered when hunting bandits. It's a net that is sometimes thrown over
me by the bandits which reduces my defences. Makes life interesting!
Suddenly, a carefully concealed net springs up from the ground, completely entangling you!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A dwarven highwayman quickly approaches!
An elven mugger quickly approaches!
A dwarven bandit quickly approaches!
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
A dwarven bandit cocks his heavy crossbow and loads it with a wooden heavy crossbow bolt.
A dwarven bandit fires a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +434 vs DS: +234 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +19 = +241
... and hits for 13 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the abdomen.
The heavy crossbow bolt breaks apart and crumbles away.
[Roll result: 143 (open d100: 11)]
An elven mugger crouches, sweeps a leg at you and connects!
You fall to the ground! An elven mugger deftly regains his footing.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a dwarven highwayman engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A dwarven highwayman swings a flail at you!
AS: +426 vs DS: +236 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +44 = +268
... and hits for 18 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right arm.
A dwarven highwayman swings a flail at you!
AS: +426 vs DS: +236 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +88 = +312
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on your right arm.
A dwarven highwayman swings a flail at you!
AS: +426 vs DS: +227 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +68 = +301
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on your chest!
A dwarven highwayman swings a flail at you!
AS: +426 vs DS: +227 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +75 = +308
... and hits for 24 points of damage!
Torn muscle in your left leg!
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, an elven mugger engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
An elven mugger swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +443 vs DS: +212 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +1 = +250
... and hits for 15 points of damage!
You hear a buzzing in your ears from that blow!
An elven mugger swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +443 vs DS: +204 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +12 = +269
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Deft slash across chest draws blood!
You take a deep breath.
An elven mugger swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +443 vs DS: +196 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +1 = +266
... and hits for 13 points of damage!
Deft slash across chest draws blood!
You take a deep breath.
An elven mugger swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +443 vs DS: +196 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +25 = +290
... and hits for 18 points of damage!
Awkward slash to your stomach!
Everyone needs another belly button.
An elven mugger swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +443 vs DS: +196 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +42 = +307
... and hits for 18 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on your right arm.
The net entangling you rips and falls apart.
[Diary Book V] - [Diary Book VII]
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